We are delighted to have you as a seller on our platform. Please review the following terms carefully to understand your rights and responsibilities as an independent seller.

1. Independent Seller Status

– As a seller on our marketplace, you operate independently and are not an employee, agent, or representative of the marketplace.

– You have full control over the products you offer for sale, including product descriptions, pricing, inventory management, and order fulfillment.

2. Account Registration

– To become a seller on our marketplace, you must create a seller account and provide accurate and up-to-date information, including your contact details, business information (if applicable), and payment preferences.

– You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account login credentials and ensuring the security of your account.

3. Product Listings

– You are responsible for creating and maintaining accurate product listings that comply with our marketplace’s policies and guidelines.

– Product listings should include clear and detailed descriptions, high-quality images, accurate pricing, and any relevant product attributes or specifications.

4. Pricing and Payment

– You have the discretion to set the prices for your products, including any applicable taxes, shipping fees, or handling charges.

– Payments for orders placed through our marketplace will be processed directly to your designated payment account, minus any applicable fees or commissions charged by the marketplace. This process may take a few days to complete.

–  The marketplace charges 6% transaction fee from all orders. This is the only fee in Glorymuslim marketplace. 

5. Order Fulfillment

– You are responsible for fulfilling orders in a timely manner and providing accurate shipping and delivery information to buyers.

– You must adhere to the shipping policies and delivery times specified in your product listings and communicate any delays or issues with buyers promptly.

6. Customer Communication

– You are expected to maintain open and transparent communication with buyers regarding their orders, including responding to inquiries, providing order updates, and addressing any concerns or complaints in a professional manner.

7. Returns and Refunds

– You are responsible for setting and enforcing your own return and refund policies, which should be clearly stated in your product listings or seller profile.

– You must process returns and issue refunds in accordance with your stated policies and applicable laws and regulations.

8. Compliance with Laws

– You are responsible for ensuring that your activities as a seller on our marketplace comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards, including but not limited to consumer protection laws, tax laws, and intellectual property rights.

9. Termination of Seller Account

– We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your seller account at any time for violation of our marketplace’s policies, fraudulent activities, or any other reason deemed necessary to protect the integrity of our platform.

10. Changes to Seller Terms

– We may update or modify these seller terms from time to time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to review these terms periodically and ensure compliance with any changes.

11. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about these seller terms or your seller account, please contact our seller support team for assistance at support@glorymuslim.com.

We appreciate your partnership and commitment to providing a positive shopping experience for our customers.

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